Why chapter3?


We will connect, empower and grow together through this next stage of your life

You want results and a way to move forward. And we strongly believe that we’ve found the best way to achieve this. We’re certainly not the only lifestyle financial planning firm out there, but we strongly believe that what we do is superior. Here are six reasons why…

1. Our fee structure is entirely fixed

We’ve designed a clear and transparent fee structure that works for everyone. We’re committed to our fixed-fee approach as we believe fees should be about complexity.

2. We’re lifestyle financial planners

Products are secondary. Instead of being focused on investments and products, what we really care about is your plan and how we’re going to achieve your Chapter 3.

3. We’ve been exactly where you are

As a small business owner for more than 20 years, Colin can empathise with exactly what you’re going through and the decisions you need to make on a daily basis.

4. We’re a small and personal firm

You’re going to get to know Colin on a level you wouldn’t with bigger firms. Believe us when we say that this one man will make a big impact on your life.

5. We’re not restricted in any way

Being independent ultimately means we’re not tied to any one company. We can choose the outcome that’s right for you and your specific roadmap, so it’s a winning solution.

6. Our advice is backed by evidence

All our investment decisions are backed by industry-leading research and take into account the latest thinking. Our simple and passive approach outperforms active funds.