Who is Chapter3 for?

It’s for small business owners who are time-poor and want their finances to be working towards the lifestyle they aspire to

We handle everything that you would expect a financial planner to, from tax planning to investments and pensions, but we approach them with a sharp focus on how they can be applied to getting you closer to the life you want.

Our services extend to your business finances – as well as personal finances. One thing that is certain is that we’ll always encourage you to see things from different perspectives. Every decision we make will always focus on how we can use it to make progress towards your lifestyle goals.

You might be a small business owner who’s starting a family and beginning to think about the future but time is precious.

Perhaps you are looking at ways to exit your business so need a succession plan or exit strategy in place to enable a smooth transition.

Or maybe you are saving for retirement but unsure about how much is enough and whether you can even fund your dream retirement.

Whatever stage of life and work you’ve reached, it’s a good time to start planning your own “Chapter 3”.

When we start working together, it’s likely that you’ll have some questions, similar to those below. Answering these, and others, are rooted in the lifestyle financial planning process; they’re all concerned with how your finances are working for your future and the future of your business. We will help you to answer them all.

How much is enough and will I be able to continue with my lifestyle?

Am I doing the right thing from a tax planning perspective?

What more can I do to ensure my pension contributions are working for me?

I’m looking to sell my business in the next 10 years. What are my options?

Depending on where you are in life, your thoughts may have already turned to your retirement, or at least planning for it. As much as you might enjoy running your business, you long for the day you can take a back seat and have more hours in the day for family and hobbies.

Whatever your plans, we’ll help you when it comes to making sure you can afford your desired retirement lifestyle and that your business heads in the direction you want it to.

Making sure your investments and pensions are structured to enable you to get to the Chapter 3 that you want is only half of the equation. We’ll also look at your outgoings, including the amount of tax you pay and any existing tax planning arrangements.

By taking advantage of wrappers such as ISAs and pensions, we’ll ensure you’re meeting your taxation obligations, without too much of your wealth being eroded.

Pension planning is a common lifestyle financial planning activity, and even more so when you’re a business owner. We’ll review your pension arrangements and make sure that your saving rates and pension performance match up to your desired lifestyle when you arrive at retirement.

Although pensions are the most tax-efficient way to save for retirement, they aren’t the only option. We’ll guide you through other ways to fund your later years.

Choosing the right time to sell your business can be tricky and it’s a situation many small business owners must deal with. Preparation is key to making the right decision and we’ll work with you in the years and months leading up to the sale to ensure you’re in the best decision possible.

We’ll understand the goals you’ve set for the rest of your life so we can answer that burning question: “How much is enough?” We’ll be with you every step of the way

The value of your pension and the income from it may go down as well as up. Your eventual income may depend upon the size of the fund at retirement, future interest rates and tax legislation