Our story

What you see is what you get. We’re a one-man band, here to significantly change your life for the better.

colin linkedin profile

Colin Bates

Director and Financial Planner

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 0161 541 2826



Just as they say about putting on your oxygen mask on the plane; before I could help anyone else plan their chapter three, I had to get started on my own!

Although I had spent a long time in the corporate world as a management consultant and accountant – my own chapter two – it felt like there should be something more.

My best experiences were when I used my financial knowledge to help the individuals and companies that I worked with. Chapter3 is the natural evolution of that process, applying my experience and expertise to coaching people and their families, helping them shape the lives they’ve always wanted.

I’m passionate about doing this; I enjoy making a difference for our clients and their families. It’s my own chapter three.

Chapter3 Principles

We’re evidence based

Data-based decisions achieve better outcomes. Surprisingly, that hasn’t always been the basis of financial planning. Planners have often ignored evidence like the fact that active funds cost more while failing to outperform passive funds. All our investment decisions are backed by industry-leading research and take account of the latest thinking.

We’re always, and only, about lifestyle financial planning

“Fail to plan, and you plan to fail” is true of many projects you might pursue in life, but especially when you set out to create your chapter three. We always work backwards from the lifestyle you want, focusing our expertise on how to get you there.

We’re a personal financial advice firm

We’re committed to working only with the right clients and the right number; we will work with forty to fifty clients at any one time, always on a bespoke personal basis.

We’re completely ready for remote working in 2020 and beyond

A world that looks very different needs a fresh approach to financial planning. Chapter3 has been fully remote from the start, so wherever or whenever you need us, we can be there, keeping costs low, and delivering your plan.

Our work is fee-based, and that’s it

We’ve designed a  clear and transparent fee structure that works for everyone. You’ll see the details on our ‘How We Charge’ page. We’re committed to this because in our view it’s the best approach.

Learn more about how we charge >>>

The value of investments may go down as well as up and you may get back less than you invest. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance